Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Sweet Sunday

My close friends and family all know how much I despise SUNDAY. Why? I'm not entirely sure if it's a throwback to when I was in school or a single parent that the day meant an end to one on one time with my daughter, the chores and a long week looming ahead. Now I suppose it's the quietness of Sunday evenings that get to me but I realized again this morning as I do most Sunday mornings that they aren't so bad. My girls stayed at their Papa's last night so this morning I just had my boys at home and what wonderful boys I have. Hubs isn't feeling well so sometime last night he ended up on the couch and the boys decided it was time to wake up mom. Normally I would grumble about being woke up on the one day a week I get to sleep in but in they came with a Scooby Doo DVD in their precious pj's to spend a morning with mom watching cartoons. Does it get any better??? I think not. It's these moments in my life I have come to treasure because I know deep in my heart that someday they will be over. My kids will grow as children tend to do and Sunday mornings with mom won't be cool anymore, they will inadvertently get lives of their own and be gone. I do realize that I have some years before this happens but time goes so fast that each grain is precious to me.  As a mother of four I often am overwhelmed with the demands of motherhood and being a wife and often times forget to stop and take it all smell the roses you could say. The precious buds of love my children give me in kisses and loves and stories that only children can tell. Along with these buds are the thorns too dirty dishes, laundry, the constant arguing, the I'm hungry's, and the messes they make. But this morning made me realize as many mornings do that I'm lucky. And Blessed. Here's to Sundays...Sweet Sweet Sundays.

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