Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday...Sweet Sunday

It has been awhile since my last post as usual it seems but there's something about these long summer days that keeps me busy. Or it could be the four children I have! Summer has got off to a slow start weather wise but that's nothing new in these parts but the summer fun hasn't. The last few weeks we have enjoyed the local town celebration which brought the carnival to town and a parade. Vendors and elephant ears. It also has brought a Dr.s appt for "A" that I have been dreading an appointment with another audiologist to test his hearing which previous tests have shown a fair amount of hearing tests. It went great! Not only is hearing not severe enough to warrant hearing aids it was determined that the loss was as severe as previous tests have shown. Thank God. Prayers do work and this Mama's heart is near bursting with happiness and relief.

A few days ago I got to sneak away without any of the kids and head to the river to do a little steelhead fishing with my Pops. We came home empty handed fish wise but I came away with another great memory of time with my Dad doing something we love to do. There's something about being on the river enjoying the day with him. I was/am a daddy's girl and the fact that at 32 I still enjoy a quiet day with him makes my heart tingle with joy. A day on the river is as good as a day at the spa to me and I love it.

I'm currently enjoying a lazy day on my favorite spot on the front porch while the kids are playing. I have a bazillion chores that need to be caught up on from the busy week that didn't get done but chores will wait. The Hubs and I are getting ready to suprise the kids we are heading down to the coast in awhile to have dinner and enjoy the sunset. I can't wait to see their faces. Uncle David is going with us so it should be a good time Hubs brother never fails to make me laugh and he's my partner when it comes to ganging up on the ubs to get him to stuff he would rather not! How I love that guy. So thankful to have him as a brother and uncle to my children. At 22 he could be out doing the things 22 yr old guys do but yet he loves my kids and always comes to get them to play. How lucky am I?

This post is getting long so I will be back soon hopefully with some pictures to post from the last month. I think I'm going to have to save up and but another camera cuz mine is still lost. I'm a little sad at the lost pictures on the memory card. But who knows with my luck as soon as I buy a new one the old one will turn up.   Enjoy your summer days!!

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